Taking a break from school work to work on... interior design?!
Well, more like sculpture, but I'm working on cardboard sculptures like this to be sold at Bloomsbury Loft when they are up running again. To be featured at their next time at the Country Living show here in Columbus OH. He will be on sale, but fear not, the shield will be cleaned up as well as everything trimmed to perfection.
Well, it's the beginning of the end. Time to start work on the Senior Film. It's preproduction up until September, and updates will go on yet another blog!
I'll post some more final stuff up here, but the rest of the content will go over here.
But I feel the need to put an image up, so here's some character sketching...
Going to do a bust maquette of Greebo from Discworld...
I had a lot of trouble coming up with the character. I whipped out a lot of really awful drawings that hopefully shall never grace the internet.... I just wasn't feeling it. So I decided to sculpt instead. I did a small cat head in plasticine, just trying to figure out the general shape...and then i played with it a bit to get some of the character in.
But that wasn't anywhere near what I wanted. I turned to sketching in zBrush for a faster result.
Woah! I figured out how to take video! This BLEW MY MIND.
Then I drew a more finished looking turnaround from that for the sculpey maquette.
And critique happened, so I made some changes... The new is on the left, the original on the right.
A little closer. He's less leonine and more like a cat now... but still close to demonspawn. Or at least that's the aim. Now to redraw the turnaround...