Demo Reels

Concept/Modeling/Design Process Reel

Monday, March 26, 2012


Really getting back into the swing of zBrush. I feel like I'm on it all the time now!

Here's a parasaurolophus sketch I did, in an effort to get better before I try to get that wold ready for animation again. I want to get back to him, but I want to get better! I'd like to finish this guy up too. Crit is appreciated!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

zSketching to relieve that stress!

It's been a little while! I've been busy moving and interviewing after finishing my temp position at Fisher Price. Can't wait until the toys are released and the films I worked on are released to the public! Oh, pesky NDAs!

In the meantime I've been doing a lot of drawing and job searching. Waiting to hear back after interviews is the worst!

Here's a quick zBrush sculpt I did to flex those sculpting muscles! I tried to jump back into zBrush and do some complex things, so I had to step back and go simple. I just felt too clumsy fumbling with the tools. Had a lot of fun relaxing and putting down my other projects (such as the wolf) to sit and LEARN, rather than force myself to make a 'portfolio piece'. The key is to relax, who knew!

This is a new character I've been working on. At he moment there's no plans for his 3D debut past fun zbrush sketches, but he is involved in a little project I'm working on. More can be seen on my new tumblr: